Blues Harvest featuring Mike Quinn – “Comfortably Nunb”

We’re ecstatic to introduce our latest honorary band member… Mike Quinn! Mike is best known to Star Wars fans for portraying everybody’s favourite Sullustan, Nien Nunb, in Return of the Jedi and all three movies of the sequel trilogy. A huge Pink Floyd fan, Mike came to us with a suggestion of covering their epic song ‘Comfortably Numb’ (with one small change in honour of his alter-ego) for our May the fourth isolation jam. We were more than happy to oblige! So – grab a blue milk and enjoy – COMFORTABLY NUNB.

How good is that?! We’re also offering the track for free as an MP3 download, just click here to save it.

Mike also has worked as a puppeteer on Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Muppets, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and the Netflix show ‘Kidding’ alongside Jim Carrey. You can find out more about him, including his online puppetry academy ‘Secrets of Puppetry’ and his autographs for sale at